The Approximate Solution To The Dynamics of The Observed-State Feed Back Control System by Walsh Functions


  • Khalid Hadi Hameed Al-jourany University of Diyala –Al-Muqdad College of Education-Department of Mathematics.


The present paper deals with the application of Walsh functions based on integration operational matrix to the dynamics of the observed –state  feedback control system. Walsh method is used because its simple analysis, studying and easier implementation based on some steps to reach the solution of the observed-state feedback control system . An  example is taken to explain the method depending on Matlab programming. The results show that the proposed method is very accurate and efficient when compared to existing exact solution




How to Cite

Al-jourany , K. H. H. (2023). The Approximate Solution To The Dynamics of The Observed-State Feed Back Control System by Walsh Functions. Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University Journal (BCESUJ), 72(4), 255–263. Retrieved from