Publication Ethics

All manuscripts submitted to should adhere to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)editorial policies.

Once your article is accepted, it will be processed by production and published shortly afterwards. In some cases, articles may be held for a short period of time prior to publication. If you have any concerns or particular requirements please contact the Journal.

Editors' responsibilities

  • Publication Decisions

The editorial board is responsible for issuing the final decision to publish the scientific manuscripts submitted to the journal after ensuring that they meet all criteria regardless of race, gender, religious backgrounds, ethnicity, nationality or political philosophy. The manuscripts submitted must have a contribution and scientific value commensurate with the journal's criteria, Ethics related to work in sound language ,citation, plagiarism.

The editorial board improve the scientific sobriety of the journal by selecting papers for publication according to their relevance, clarity and originality, and its relevance to the journal's scope. Current legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism should also be considered.

  • Confidentiality

The editorial board undertakes not to disclose any information related to submitted Manuscripts to the journal except those necessary information authorized by the authors, editors, consultants and publisher.

  • Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

It is not permitted for editorial board to use any information stated in the unpublished documents or papers for their own scientific papers except by having a written permission from the corresponding author of the paper.

Reviewers' Responsibilities:

  • Contribution to Editorial Decisions

The reviewers help the editorial board to make the appropriate decision concerning the publishing of manuscripts. Furthermore, the reviewing process may help the author to improve his/her work. The editorial board is committed to give the reviewers the regulations, criteria, and the level of sobriety of the documents and manuscripts accepted for publications in the journal. The editorial board is also committed not to disclose the names of the arbitrators unless with a written consent by the reviewers themselves.

  • Promptness

It is necessary for the selected reviewers to notify the editorial board, in the appropriate time, their apologizing for reviewing.

  • Confidentiality

It is required from the reviewers s to deal confidentially with the manuscripts sent to them for reviewing. The papers cannot be disclosed or discussed with others, except the editor of the journal.

  • Standards of Objectivity

The objective comments in reviewing is a must and the personal judgment concerning authors is not allowed The reviewers must be reinforced by clear opinions and scientific arguments and it must be in accordance with the regulations and approved criteria of publication terms of the journal.

  • Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers must notify the editorial board by the non-compliance of the author with the standards of publication in the journal and to make sure of the aptness of the references with the sources and that the sources must match the ones listed in bibliography. It must be ensured that the views and arguments presented do not belong to other papers. Reviewers must alert the editor of the existence of similarity or overlap between a manuscript submitted to the journal and other published papers.

  • Disclosure and Conflict of Interests

It is not allowed to use any information and ideas stated in the arbitrated manuscripts by the reviewers for personal purposes, competitive interests, or any other interests, and wouldn’t be taken into consideration when reviewing a manuscript of any of the authors, institutions, or companies involved.

 Autho's  Responsibilities:

  • Reporting Criteria

Authors of original papers must provide an accurate description of their work as well as an objective discussion of its significance and the data must be accurately presented. The paper should contain sufficient details and references to allow others to benefit from it. Deliberately deceptive or inaccurate statements constitute unethical and unacceptable behavior.

  • Data Access and Retention

Authors may be required to provide the raw data for their study along with the paper for editorial review and should be prepared to make the data publicly available if possible. In any case, authors must ensure that such data has been available to other competent professionals for at least ten years after publication (preferably via an institutional or subject-based data repository or other data center), provided that the confidentiality of the participants is protected and the rights Legal proprietary data does not prevent its release.

  • Originality, Plagiarism and Acknowledgment of Sources

Authors will only present fully original works, and will appropriately cite or quote the work and/or words of others. Publications that have had an influence in determining the nature of the work reported should also be cited.

  • Multiple, Redundant, or Simultaneous Posts

In general, papers describing essentially the same research should not be published in more than one journal. Submitting the same paper to more than one journal is considered unethical and unacceptable publishing behavior.

Manuscripts published as copyrighted material cannot be submitted elsewhere. In addition, manuscripts under review by the journal must not be resubmitted to copyrighted publications. However, by submitting a manuscript, the author(s) retain the rights to the published material. If published, they allow their work to be used under the CC-BY license [], which allows others to copy, distribute, and transmit the work as well as adapt and commercially benefit from the work.

  • Writing Paper

Authorship should be restricted to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, implementation or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be included as co-authors.The corresponding author ensures that all co-authors and contributors are included in the authors list. The corresponding author will also verify that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to submit it for publication.

  • Disclosure and Conflict Of Interest

All authors must include a statement disclosing any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that could be interpreted as affecting the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed.

  • Fundamental Errors in Published Work

When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his published work, it is the author's duty to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper in error.