The role of Knowledge accumulation of human resources in reducing the behaviors of strategic deception


  • Hussein Waleed Hussein


This research attempts to discuss and explain the nature of the role played by cognitive accumulation of human resources through its three dimensions (collective intelligence, collective thinking, and collective wisdom) in reducing the strategic deception behaviors of (intelligence behavior, opportunistic behavior, and non-committed behavior), as the research problem indicated To ignore the role that knowledge accumulation plays in enhancing the spirit of cooperation and coordination between human resources to exchange information and knowledge between them in a way that limits the behavior of strategic deception, and therefore the importance of research in providing a set of solutions to the problems facing the organization As far as the matter relates to research variables, the researcher has adopted the descriptive analytical approach in his applied aspect, as the questionnaire was adopted as a major tool for data collection, which was prepared based on a number of ready-made measures after it was subjected to validity and stability tests to suit the Iraqi environment, and was distributed to a sample of workers in Al-Rafidain University College, which number (89) individuals, and after processing and analyzing data using a number of statistical tools within the programs (SPSS.V20) (AMOS), a set of results was reached that confirmed the validity of the hypothesis from which the research was launched, and the research recommended that the need Manna Meh develop mechanisms to stimulate human resources to share their knowledge to ensure that the accumulation of knowledge has not lost the important ones on the one hand, and reduce the behaviors of strategic deception on the other.



How to Cite

حسين وليد حسين. (2021). The role of Knowledge accumulation of human resources in reducing the behaviors of strategic deception. Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University Journal (BCESUJ), 65(7), 227–235. Retrieved from


