Distance education and its impact on operational costs in educational institutions


  • Khaled Abdel Fattah Moussa Jinan University, Lebanon


The research aims to define the principles of distance education represented by me (strategic planning, information technology and improving the educational process) and its role in reducing the operational cost by surveying the opinions of a sample of principals in private schools in Akkar Governorate, which amounted to 102 principals by adopting the electronic questionnaire as a main tool in collecting data using with the software on the Google Form app

Where the research reached a series of results, the most important of which is the existence of a relationship and influence between the principles of distance education and operating costs in the schools concerned. And because the operational cost of private educational institutions is linked to the system and type of education, in order to link the budget and cost of the equipment used, the number of employees, etc., and to know the impact of education and its type on all aspects

Hence, after entering the distance education system in private schools in Akkar Governorate, we studied its impact on the operational cost. Finally, after careful study of all components of the research, and through the results that we reached through the statistical analysis program spss for this research, we made some suggestions and recommendations.




How to Cite

Moussa, K. A. F. . (2023). Distance education and its impact on operational costs in educational institutions. Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University Journal (BCESUJ), 72(4), 107–126. Retrieved from https://bcuj.baghdadcollege.edu.iq/index.php/BCESUJ/article/view/285