A study the extent of commitment of newly private clinical laborites in Kirkuk city with the quality standards


  • muafaq yahyaa euthman Technical Institute / Kirkuk
  • May Hamoudi Al-Shamry


   The main five dimensions of health quality services are summarized in: responsiveness, reliability, security, activeness and empathy. These dimensions are applied to all the features  of the health quality services, including those which are  provided by the private clinical laboratories.

The  study was conducted to determine the extent of a newly established clinical laboratories commitment with the quality standards  in  Kirkuk city.

A special questionnaire form  was prepared by the investigators  for the research purposes and distributed to (55) authorized representatives of laboratories in seven sectors detected  in the Kirkuk city map . 52 of questionnaires were returned , and two were excluded because of incomplete data presentation  and the total response rate was  (50: 55, 91.0%).

   The study results show that the representatives  have good scientific qualifications and long practical experience, but only 72.8% of the them participated the indicators of Health Ministry for the setting up of specialized pathological clinical  laboratories.

The laboratories  applied  the dimensions of  health  quality services as follows: Reliability (80%), response (79%), accuracy (81%), detectable things  (77%), empathy (85%) and total response (80.4%).

The researchers recommended that  laboratory leaders should  increase their education in the quality health dimensions and regular checking these laboratories by health   teams and groups  to detect their  compliance  according to health  guidance and  scientific updating supplementation these laboratories with  newly accurate technological instruments



How to Cite

موفق يحيى عثمان, & مي حمودي الشمري. (2021). A study the extent of commitment of newly private clinical laborites in Kirkuk city with the quality standards. Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University Journal (BCESUJ), 65(7), 207–225. Retrieved from https://bcuj.baghdadcollege.edu.iq/index.php/BCESUJ/article/view/28


