Effect of Total Quality Management on Marketing of Banking Service In a sample of private banks operating in Iraq


  • Tariq Ali Jassim Al-Nahrain University - College of Business Economics
  • athar nahid


Total quality is considered a basic entry point to improve the level of service in banking institutions because it is the main financier of the local economy  and Mirror reflective the extent of its compliance with international standards, as it is characterized by the characteristic of competition, which has become one of the great pressures to pay attention to quality and provide many qualities that belong to Quality requirements for all customers.

Quality is a key factor for any competitive advantage, Total quality management also focuses on continuous improvement  .

This study aims to highlight the impact of total quality management in the marketing of banking services for commercial banks, focusing on the elements of the marketing mix that represent the most important factors affecting their achievement, and for the purpose of clarifying this application of the study on a group of private banks operating in Baghdad and the number (6) banks , where it was design a questionnaire to collect data from the study sample members . The answers were subjected to statistical analysis . Based on the results of the hypothesis testing, analysis and discussion of these results, the study found a trace of total quality management with its principles covered by the study ( customer focus and decision-making based on facts ) on  the ​​Marketing of the  Banking service



How to Cite

طارق علي جاسم, & اثار ناهض. (2021). Effect of Total Quality Management on Marketing of Banking Service In a sample of private banks operating in Iraq. Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University Journal (BCESUJ), 65(7), 75–95. Retrieved from https://bcuj.baghdadcollege.edu.iq/index.php/BCESUJ/article/view/19


